Friday, July 5, 2013

Everyday a Holiday?

July Fourth was so much fun! I can honestly say that "not having an eating disorder" made the day a lot better. I did panic at the end but made it through. When my therapist and I were texting yesterday, she brought up the idea of everyday being a holiday. Not only that but that I should decide what holiday each day is. I guess as a way to make having an ED harder or something. The concept is definitely different. When I decide that I am normal for a certain time frame then I can be relatively normal until the end. The middle can be a bit tricky too but nothing compared to an average day. Maybe her idea isn't so crazy. Everyday is special. It's like putting one of my favorite sayings about recovery into play before actually recovering. The basic idea of the saying is that once you recover , you aren't normal. You don't take nice things and days for granted. You take pleasure from the simple things because you've been to hell and back. Now I just have to figure out why each day is special. Cause I'm not really sure. Sounds like a project and my dietitian and I tomorrow. Haha I hope she likes it. Anyway to sum it up, my day of freedom was as successful as I hoped for.

Stay Strong
xo Aria

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