Sunday, August 18, 2013

Eat... Please?

Please eat
Let your body live
I know your mind is messy
I know the scale is hurting you        
Just eat
Let your self love
I know it feels like the end
I know you want to see bones
Eat ok?
Please just eat
Your bones will still be there
I promise they won't be crushed
I promise the fat won't hurt you
Put the food in
Let yourself smile again
Let yourself laugh
Stop starving
Deep down there is a little girl
She grew up way too fast
Let her out
She is starving
Under the fragile bones         
Under the bruises
Please eat
She needs you
You see her in pictures and dreams
She doesn't care what size her hips are
Pick up the fork
Let yourself fight
Let yourself have dreams
Keep it down
Fight to live
Fight to follow your dreams
Fight for the self that wants to live
Let go

Stay Strong
xo Aria

*** I know these posts are a little out of character. ... I'm trying to process

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