Today I learned true friendship. I realized just invaluable friends are. And I came to find that having better friends is much more fun than having tons of friends. This morning I learned that my best friend and I aren't going to be as close as we have been. Looking back...I could have seen it coming. Easily. But I didn't. This afternoon I hung out with one of bestest friends. And for part of the time, we didn't even talk. We didn't need to. The silence wasn't awkward. It was ok. We talked about serious things and laughed our butts off. We took tons of pictures and played on the playground. We planned out our senior year. We just were. This isn't somebody I see everyday or even every week. But it is somebody I would be incredibly sad without. True friendship isn't made up of having similar interests and seeing each other all the time, it's about having so much fun together and not being afraid to be silent. True friendship is incredible. I have plenty of friends but only a handful of true ones. I honestly don't know what I would do without all of you. And knowing that when I come back from treatment you will all still be there means the world to me. I love you guys.
And Dana, I promise to never make homemade macaroni and cheese EVER again.
Katrina, you've been there when nobody else was...thank you.
Tabitha, I love you to the moon and back, stay strong.
Liam, even though I don't understand half of what you say...every time your name comes up I smile.
Gila, your hugs and words on Sunday brought tears to my eyes.
Becca, you have a blog dedicated to you know I love you.
Heather...oh Heather...we are lesbian lovers for life. That is all.
Sarah and Elena, you two are people I hadn't seen for years and yet we picked up right where we left off and that amazes me.
Tori...tbh I don't know where we stand right now but I love you and I'm here for you.
What does friendship mean to you?
Stay Strong
xo Aria

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