So today, I went into therapy mad at the world and not willing to change my mindset. At all. Usually these sessions are completely useless and just don't get anywhere. However, come the last 15 minutes things changed. I asked the question I've been waiting for. "Can I exercise?" And at first my therapist started laughing, and I can't blame her but I have worked hard and think I deserve it. Well. She said yes! And that changed my entire mood. It's amazing how one sentence can change your entire outlook on a day. Suddenly things just seemed to go better. I get to do what I love, and have permission to do so. I guess the point of this post is that, sometimes life really sucks but it can get better. And maybe all you have to do is ask the right question.
During this session, we also had my dietitian on the phone. Kinda annoying. She told me how much weight I need to gain per week. Which is just ugh. But also promised she wouldn't let me go above a certain number. I'm trusting her with my life here. She better not betray my trust.
Stay Strong
xo Aria