Saturday, June 22, 2013

I Just Don't Understand

I don't understand how someone can know you have a mental illness and know that there are things they can do to help... But like refuse. I know you don't understand how my brain works. Hell I don't even understand it. However, if I can tell you that something would make my second day home from treatment easier and that it wouldn't affect you, why is it so hard for you to say fine? What stops you from wanting me to be successful no matter the "sacrifice" on your part? Not to mention, my eating gets worse while in your house. Of all places to question whether or not I'm eating... When I'm away isn't it. I'm actually not this super manipulative awful child you seem to think I am. I don't cry to manipulate you. I don't try and make my recovery easier just to manipulate you. In fact my recovery has nothing to do with you. You actually make things worse. You create conflict and stress and anxiety that isn't necessary just because you don't approve of what helps me. You say you want a better relationship with me. But all you do is push me away. To be quite honest you are putting me through more hell than my eating disorder. And I can't handle it. You can't take your anger out on me. I'm your kid. You're the parent. Find your own outlet. That isn't me and certainly isn't me when I'm trying to find my footing again. I don't know what I did to you that you can't just be a decent person to me. And I'm sorry that I have an issue and that I'm such a shitty daughter. But I'm what you've got right now. So stop hurting me. Please. Just try and understand. Please.

Has anyone else had major family issues?

Stay Strong
xo Aria

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