Saturday, September 28, 2013
I Like Foods?
What foods do you like or dislike?
Stay Strong
xo Aria
Sunday, September 22, 2013
I Have Been Waiting To Write This
Stay Strong
xo Aria
" I am definitely not the broken girl I used to be"- Demi Lovato

Saturday, September 21, 2013
Dear Future Me
A few months ago I posted a letter I wrote to my younger self and what I would want her to know. But the thing is that there's a few things I hope for my future self. So, I wrote myself a letter. Here we go.
Dear Future Me,
Laying here in bed in pain from practice, I can't really imagine what your life is like. I know what I am doing now and what I dream for. I wish for happiness and friends and college and love. I wish for a life worth living. Hopefully, you (I) have that. I hope you got to be happy for real and that you made it to the other side. I hope you follow your dreams and that you love the life YOU chose. I don't know where we are or what we are doing. The future doesn't even seem real. But I want you to know that we are so strong and that you should never forget where you came from. Competing this year was never in the cards...we did it. I guess I only have two questions...
Was it worth it?
Are you happy?
What would you say to your future self?
Stay Strong
xo Aria
Saturday, September 14, 2013
Wow That Is Just Awesome
What do you do when you find out hard things?
Stay Strong Aria
Before First Stay
Yom Kippur And An Eating Disorder
Stay Strong
xo Aria
Saturday, September 7, 2013
The Music Box- A Poem
Same Places Same Faces With Nothing To Show
I Spin and I Twirl for All To See
They Say My Dance is So Pretty
Little Do They Know How Stuck I Feel
In My Little Old Box With Corners of Steel
I Wear a Pink TuTu That Flares Out Just Right
And When They Shut Me Down at Night
My Thoughts Suddenly Become a Reality
For the Little Dancer They All Know so Well
Doesn't Like to Dance at all
She Feels Lost and Alone and Fears a Terrible Fright
So She Takes a Few Pills To Make Everything Alright
I Lay in My Box All Quiet and Sound
Hoping in the Morning I am Too Be Found
And Once Again Start My Little Dance
My Little Pink TuTu Will Pop Up With Glee
As Long as the Pills Don't Kill Me
Round and Round and Round I Go, When Will I Stop?
Nobody Knows
Stay Strong
xo Aria
Monday, September 2, 2013
New Year....New Me?
The point of this post is more than to reflect on whether or not I wasted 5773 but rather to ask for forgiveness and give thanks. Let us start with the former. For those of you that I hurt or didn't help enough or made worry...I am completely and utterly sorry. I shouldn't have treated you the way I did, you deserve so much better. You are all such incredible people. For those I didn't help enough, I wish I could have. If I hadn't been so wrapped up in myself, I probably could've done more. I probably could have given the help you wanted from me. And for those I made worry. To you all, I am the sorriest of all. You shouldn't have had to worry about me. You still don't have too. I know I don't always take the greatest care of myself, but a large amount of you, have more important things to worry about than me. I am truly sorry for taking up space in your mind that I don't deserve. I hope all of you can find it in your heart to forgive me. Now I would also like to thank certain people or groups of people. To my treatment team, yes I do complain about you two a whole awful lot...but when it comes down to it, you haven't left my side and for that I thank you. You have been there through countless ups and downs and dealt with me and my ridiculousness on too many occasions. As I sit here typing, part of me is worried that soon you will give up and just fire me. Just know that even if you do, I am still eternally grateful to have you as my team. To my family, you will never read this as you don't have my URL but as much as I complain about you guys and we fight...I love each and every member. From mom and dad to my cousins. You each have a different relationship with me and I don't know what I do without all of your support. To Becca and Joe (and Kol and Jesse), not many people can claim they have two places to call home. But I can and that is so amazing. Over this year, you all have become family to me and I don't know if I would be the person I am today without that. I have learnt so much from you. Everything from how to be preppy (sometimes it IS necessary) to how to be a superhero (you do need a cape).You all have had every oppurtunity to give up on me and kick me out of your house and never have. Thank you. To my friends, there really isn't much to say that I haven't told you each in person. You made me appreciate things I never noticed, you shut up me up when I say how awful I look, you have gotten me through treatment stays, you have never left my side. And this year we will graduate together. I am so happy to have each of you in my life. I love you guys so so much.
So, yes 5773 was a long tumultuous year...but it was also an incredible and fun one. I am so excited to see what 5774 has to bring!
Stay Strong
xo Aria
Dear Annie
You are about to start another treatment stay. I know how upset you are about this and I know how much you feel like it is a waste of time. What you don't know is how much I am rooting for you, a ton of us are. I completely and utterly believe in you and your ability to finally beat this. I know we didn't become friends till almost the end of our time in treatment together, but I am so glad we did. You are such an amazing person and you want to help people so badly. Hell you spent a good two days trying to get me into more treatment. Which I probably should have agreed to, but I didn't. You have another chance to do this right. And I know you can. Yes, you do have weight to gain (shocker) but that is just part of it. You can learn so much if you try. I know you can. I don't put all my faith in somebody if I don't truly believe in them. I know you can beat this. You don't have to die from this. Nobody does. You have so many physical problems as it is, some days I worry it will be your last, please take this time to get healthy. Then, we can hang out and be "normal" (whatever that is). I know we will both recover. Annie you are going to do great things. Don't let your eating disorder be the end of you. I am here the whole time. I'm not leaving and I am not giving up on you.
Stay Strong Annie