Sunday, April 14, 2013

Grocery Shopping Adventures

So, at my last therapy session we talked about the fact that I need certain foods in my house. Which of course got my therapist to challenge me to go grocery shopping this weekend. I did. It was terrifying. But I got through it and am so proud of myself. Like incredibly proud. This post is going to be a guide for your grocery shopping adventure. Not saying you need to follow this but I did all of it and it was super helpful. So, here we go.

  1. MAKE A LIST. But actually make a full out, detailed list. It makes so that you get exactly what you need and creates a lot less anxiety then going in empty handed. Otherwise, you might as well stand outside and hope food magically comes to you. (I have tried, it doesn't work).
  2. Breathe...a lot. And then breathe some more.
  3. Get foods that you are semi-comfortable with. For me I find vegetarian and gluten-free foods easier. So, I buy gluten-free pasta and veggie burgers. I don't know why...I just prefer it.
  4. Allow yourself to look around and see how calm everybody else is. It is always a huge eye opener for me when I notice how little other people seem to care about food.
  5. When you get home, make a plan for when you will eat what. That way you don't have to make split second decisions on new food items.
  6. Breathe. It'll all be ok.
What are your grocery shopping tips?

Stay Strong 
xo Aria

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