Sunday, February 17, 2013

Asking For Help

“The best advice I can give to anyone going through a rough patch is to never be afraid to ask for help.” - Demi Lovato

Asking for help is possibly the hardest thing to do. At least in your head. But is it really? Is it harder than starving? Harder than purging? Harder than the secrecy? At first thought, yes it is. But the more I read Demi's quote, the more I think that maybe asking for help isn't the worst thing I could do. It won't kill me. It might get me more help or it might leave me where I am. But it won't me more than I already have. I can think of a million reasons to not ask for help. I have used them all. Yet, every time I relapse, I question why I struggle. Every time it is pointed out that it's because I am so adamant about going at it on my own. I don't like bothering people. I don't feel worth it. I feel like I should be able to do this on my own. But I can't. Neither can you. I may not directly ask for help anytime soon, but I know I will need to eventually. 

How have you tried to ask for help?

Stay Strong
xo Aria

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